Embracing failure to facilitate second-chance entrepreneurship in the Danube region
ACRONYM: DanubeChance 2.0
Danube Transnational Programme
Danube Chance 2.0 Programme is designed to enable the creation of business environment that supports business people to keep their sustainable businesses, as well as to start up more companies in the Danube region countries. The specific goals of the project are:
- improvement of business environment and support to those who want to restart their business – harmonization of the existing regulations in the Danube region countries in order to enable and facilitate business people who did not manage for the first time to try to start up a business again.
- raising awareness on the importance of the second chance – the creation of a positive image by presenting successful examples of businesspeople, who restarted up their business despite the existing stigma and fear of failure, and to building capacities of restarters by organizing training courses.
- Promotion of measures and restructuring models – transfer of examples of good practices among the Danube region countries regarding the financial restructuring, bankruptcy procedure and liquidation.
Leveraging Finance 4 Postive Social Change
ACRONYM: Finance4SocialChange
Danube Transnational Programme
Finance4SocialChange Project supports the development of the social economy that encourages sustainable and responsible business operations in the Danube region. Through carefully designed activities and multidisciplinary partnership of 14 organizations from 12 Danube region countries, this project unites knowledge and activities on social entrepreneurship across Europe in “Strategy of Development of Investments in Social Entrepreneurship” that will contribute to the development of the social economy.
Through its activities, Finance4SocialChange project promotes social innovations and financial instruments aimed at improving the social entrepreneurship sector through the development of strategies, training courses, and workshops on business plans. In 2020, more than 240 social enterprises in the Danube region countries completed the training on preparation and implementation of business ideas with social impact. The training courses have been provided through an educational platform with over 70 tutorials and interviews with well-known entrepreneurs, investors, and experts in the field of social entrepreneurship. In the course of the implementation of the project, social enterprises could participate in the international competition for the best social idea with social impact, and win the award fund of EUR 30.000 ensured by UniCredit Group through its social banking programme, as the main partner on the F4SC project. At the competition that was held in November 2020, the winners were One Night Gallery from Rumania, Caritas Šabac from Serbia, Vollpension from Austria, and STEMI from Croatia.
Integrating multimodal connections in the Adriatic-Ionian region
Adriatic-Ionian Programme
One of the main reasons slowing a growth and economic development of the transport sector in the ADRION region is the lack of efficient connections between the sea transport and hinterland mainly caused by different narrow bottlenacks at borders. ADRIPASS will treat this issue through:
-analysing physical and non-physical narrow bottlenecks in the transport network of the EU corridor (TEN-T) in the sections belonging to the ADRION region, with special focus on the part of the network expanded to the Western Balkans where the largets number of border crossings is located.
-testing certain information and communication technology solutions for accelerating freight transport flows in the ADRION ports, and defining stadnards that may be the copied systems of electronic data exchange at border crossings. According to the above mentioned, the benefits for ADRION region reflect in the results of the mentioned activities through concrete tools, transnational action plan on facilitating transport and action plan on ICT improvement of multimodal transport in the ADRION region. -establishing a transnational network for cooperation at various levels and different disciplines through simultaneous combination of approach in vertical and horizontal cooperation that will result in the creation of ADRIPASS Strategy for improvement of multimodal transport efficiency and better competitiveness, capacity for planning in transport chains and relevant institutions.
Taking European Energy Managers to next efficiency levels by implementing energy audit recommendations
Horizon 2020
The main goal of the project is to contribute to both environmental protection and business competitiveness by improving the quality of energy examinations, and by introducing energy efficiency measures, whereas the specific goals of the current training with new elements are as follows:
-New modules that will be offered in the form of e-learning in order to save travel time and costs
-to improve training materials for the present modules on assessment of financial projects, with even stronger focus on financial parameters offering perspectives beyond simple periods of assets return
-to develop tools for energy examinations and estimation of more complicated parameters in industrial processes -to implement training courses in six new countries: Albania, Bosna and Herzegovina, Estonia, Latvia, Serbia, and Turkey
-to develop and test added Implementation Support Activities (ISA) for those attendees who need deeper support out of this that is within the regular offer in training courses or want to get in details, as well as for other energy auditors/managers/experts
-to inform and engage a wider community of energy managers, businesspeople in general, and financial institutions, and decision makers and target communication measures. The Programme brings together energy managers, businesspeople, experts at energy efficienty worldwide, thus building the community that is regularly brought together at conferences organized within the project all around the world, thus providing them with the opportunity to connect and exchange information.
The establishment of cross-border operating “Scaleup Labs” to increase the efficiency of the scaling support in specific industry verticals: Health, AgTech, Smart Region and Agile Manufacturing
ACRONYM: ScaleUP4Europe
Horizon 2020
The goal of the project is to establish „Scaleup Lab“ scanning laboratories for specific industries in the ecosystem of partner countries. Laboraories will provide technological startups with well structured and innovative approach to the cross border market through cooperation with corporations, investors, and/or public institutions. The Scaleup Labs will bring together companies that need innovative solutions for improving their business operations, scaleup with potential solutions, expert researchers and other available services, such as Startup Europe one-stop-shop.
At these laboratories start-ups will develop their solutions and prepare themselves for new markets. This includes tools for acceleration, such as Scaleup Camps, as well as tools that will ensure complaying solutions of start-ups with the needs of corporations.
Horizon 2020
The project is funded by the European Innovation and Technology Institute, which is an EU body, and whose mission is to enhance a sustainable growth and competitiveness by strenghtening innovation capacities of the European countries. Climate-KIC is one of six “knowledge and innovation communities” of the European Innovation and Technology Institute. They support the mission of this institute by solving the climate change issues. Climate – KIC has become the largest European intitiative regarding climate innovations that focuses its work on four priority topics: urban areas, land usage, production systems (circular economy), climate metrics and funding.
The project programmes:
Pioneers into Practice -14 Serbian experts from different companies are trained and spend a month in another company abroad, and work on the issue regarding climate chnage. 4 Serbian companies has hosted experts from other countries in order to work on specific issues regarding climate change. Accelerator -9 startup companies from Serbia are involved in the training programme and get funds to develop their companies.
-People from different context (entrepreneurs, students, innovators, IT experts, non-governmental organizations) have a meeting for 24 hours to try to solve the issue of environment referring to different Serbian towns. Climate Launchpad -12 startup companies from Serbia participate in the largest global competition in green business ideas. Circular Economy Academy (ACE 2.0)
-30 small and medium-sized entreprises will be provided with practical knowledge, with the aim to transfer to circular business model. In 2019, the Academy will focus on three sectors (to be defined) and will be commercial (registration fee will be introduced). Workshop of Ideas
-Students worldwide will be enabled to acquire new knowledge aimed at developing new ”green” business ideas, and later on plans for possible start-up companies. Future Cities of South East Europe
-Future Cities is the initiative for cooperation led by Maribor, Sarajevo, Skoplje, Križevac and Niš in order to achieve the ambitious mission: inclusive, priority, and zero carbon emission in 15 urban areas in 5-7 towns in Southeastern Europe, which makes them one of the best places in Europe for living, working and visiting by 2025.
The present project has strengthened the innovation scene in Serbia in the area of climate change. Through its network, it has established international contacts, and enabled learining and possibilities for development of students, entrepreneurs, and innovators throughout Serbia, and we hope that it will expand towards the region. With the support of Climate-KIC, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia has managed to carry out the first “Academy for Circular Economy” in Serbia. It is an innovative, modern training programme specially designed for the Serbian market. A total of 28 companies participared in this programme last year, and their feedbacks were positive. In 2019, the Academy for Circular Economy was implemented for the the second time.
Zero waste recovery of copper tailings in the ESEE region
Horizon 2020
The aim of the project is to develop a network of stakeholders in the value chain in the ESEE region to promote the innovative service for zero extraction of metals (Cu, Ag, As, Au and REE) from mining tailings of copper, generated by the mining activity in the past. This will contribute to higher competitiveness in the region and serve as a source of metals for the EU. Two tailing ponds will be addressed, using the optimum extraction technology. The activities of RIS-CuRE project are based on the innovation model merging all relevant stakeholders within the knowledge triangle in the field of industry, research and education in order to increase regional competitiveness based on a regional scale, taking into account the latest know-how and technologies. This innovative approach is based on the zero waste paradigm, which means that, once valuable raw materials such as CRM and other metals are extracted, the residues can be recycled for the construction sector. Such a holistic eco-innovative approach to the extraction of valuable metals and the beneficial use of residues after the extraction of metals provides a guarantee for the successful development of a regional innovative scheme based on the exploitation of tailings, and is, from the economic, organizational, technological, environmental social points of view, the most viable option. This will lead to the development of an encouraging environment for boosting entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in the region, based on the exploration of secondary deposits. The final output of the project will be a strong sustained regional network, based on the validated and fact-based data, including a study of the potential economic, technological, organizational (legislative), environmental and social impacts of applying the innovative methodology of the zero waste extraction of valuable materials in Serbia and North Macedonia.
Enterprise Europe Network
COSME (Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SME)
Enterprise Europe Network is the European Union project launched in 2008, and it is a key EU instrument for raising competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises. EEN is active today in more than 60 countries, it gathers 3,000 experts from more than 600 partner organizations and institutions, like chambers, agencies, institutes helping companies to improve and innovate their business through partnership, information and professional assistance.
Small and medium-sized enterprises can use a wide range of EEN services, such as: use of EEN databases of business cooperation for cross-border business linking, participation in international business meetings according to the system of prearranged meetings and business missions, assistance with technology transfer, environmental protection and development of research projects, replies to enquiries about the EU regulations, providing the information on the possibilities of using the EU funds and seeking partners for joint application for these funds, providing information on the international and EU tenders, providing information on laws and markets, business internationalization in other countries, etc.
Active Learning Community for Upskilling Technicians and Engineers
Erasmus+ programme
The aim of the project is to conduct a survey on the lack of skills of technical and engineering staff in the sector of machine building and mechatronics, and writing the reports on partnership based on the findings of the survey on the lack of skills, and the webinar on active learning for VET purposes, to increase the competences of VET trainers.
The Platform for the active learning community and its mobile application as a database of open educational resources, which includes the following:
-the Curriculum for technicians and engineers for the improved competences in the sector of machine building and mechatronics;
-14 training materials for the courses (PPT presentations, problems relating to the industry and additional internet resources) as open educational resources based on the combined and active learning;
-the Platform based on the problems relevant for the industry, which will be used by trainers and VET students as exercises for practicing in the Learning Factory;
-the support of the trainers and peers in the form of discussion forums;
-the area of evaluation for the purpose of estimating the acquired knowledge.
Dual VET Serbia Dual Vocational Education and Training in Serbia
Austrian Development Agency GmbH
The aims of the Dual VET project are the full implementation of the dual education in Serbia, according to the Law on Dual Education, strengthening the capacities of the CCIS and the Institute for the Improvement of Education in performing their duties and responsibilities delegated to them by the Law on Dual Education; development of a web portal about the secondary dual vocational education for the need of approaching the wider public and providing the information on the secondary dual vocational education and training in Serbia; defining of all training concepts and implementation of the training for mentors, instructors, teachers from the secondary vocational schools and moderators for occupation analyses; implementation of the activities for the needs of public relations and for social media , in order to present the activity to the state/regional/local communities, and to increase the importance and concepts of the dual vocational training for all stakeholders, but most importantly for students and companies, to ensure their active participation in it.
Fostering Diaspora Engagement by Strengthening Regional Chambers of Commerce and Supporting CCIS Representations in DACH states
Austrian Development Agency GmbH
The overall goal of the Link Up! Serbia II project is to foster transnational entrepreneurial activities with and through the Serbian diaspora in DACH countries. The project is funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), with funds of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). ICMPD is the leading implementing organization, in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration as the key national counterpart. Implementation of the Action started on 1 November 2020. The general objective is empowering regional chambers of commerce to promote and support local and regional investment opportunity development for diaspora, and supporting CCIS Representative Offices in DACH states in engaging business diaspora towards Serbian market.
Towards regionally-based occupational standards
Austrian Development Agency GmbH
The TO REGOS project plans to contribute to employability and labour-market mobility of young people in the SEE
region by investing in quality and labour-market relevant vocational education and training (VET) by developing five regionally based occupational standards by using the Common Regional Framework – methodology – produced within the project. The main partners, gathered under the WBA for WBL, are VET agencies and Chambers of Commerce from the region, and the project also relies on cooperation with private sector organisations and companies from identified priority sectors and other relevant stakeholders (Ministries of Education, Labour, National Qualification Agencies etc.). They have gathered to work on occupations belonging to two sectors: tourism and hospitality industry, and construction industry.
GELATOn the ROAD creates the first European Gelato Road aimed at promoting and preserving local cultural heritage and identity. It is based on the criteria of environmental sustainability, product and raw material quality, and innovation within the artisan Gelato supply chain system.
Through the ages, the art of Gelato making has been passed down from generation to generation, becoming an integral part of the cultural fabric in many societies. The flavors and textures of Gelato have been influenced by a variety of factors, such as local ingredients and culinary traditions, resulting in a diverse range of unique and delicious offerings.
Therefore, it is essential to recognize Gelato's cultural heritage and its role in shaping cultural identity. This recognition can help to promote the preservation and promotion of Gelato-making traditions, encouraging the continuation of this beloved culinary art form for generations to come. The proposed project is a step towards this goal, raising awareness of the cultural importance of Gelato and fostering a deeper appreciation of its rich history and enduring legacy.
Furthermore, Gelato transcends generational boundaries, making it an ideal vehicle for communicating essential ideas about the responsible production and sustainable development of products. It represents an opportunity to educate and inform consumers about principles of quality and territorial origin, as well as the importance of a culture of gastronomy that emphasizes both tradition and innovation. Gelato, therefore, serves as a means of promoting a broader understanding of food culture while celebrating the artistry and craftsmanship that are essential components of the gelato-making process.
Furthermore, the project engages, through a defined protocol and concrete multiple actions, the stakeholders of the production chain (material and machine manufacturing companies, Gelato product innovators) and involves adult and young customers through the Gelato road.
Danube4SEecosystem - Enhancing the development of Social Economy by engaging Local Public Authorities in the Social Enterprises supporting Ecosystem for a more inclusive Labor Market in the Danube Region
ACRONYM: Danube4SEecosystem
Danube Region Programme
“Danube4SEecosystem - Enhancing the development of Social Economy by engaging Local Public Authorities in the Social Enterprises supporting Ecosystem for a more inclusive Labor Market in the Danube Region” is financed under 1st Call of Danube Region Programme 2021-2027, Programme priority 3 – A more social Danube Region, Specific objective 3.1 – Accessible, inclusive and effective labour markets.
The main objective of the project : to jointly develop inspiring policies for social enterprises by involving local public authorities into the social enterprises supporting ecosystem in order to enhance inclusive employment in the Danube region while supporting the sustainable operation of social enterprises as interpreted on the basis of a broad definition, in order to strengthen their employment role at the settlement and regional level.
Specific objectives:
Implementation period: 01.01.2024- 30.06.2026
Total budget of the projecti: 1.883.344,50 euro. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia budget is 177.500,00 euro.
Project consortium:
Associated Strategic Partners:
Main results of the project:
Danube4SEEcosystem project will address the challenges in Danube Region by developing the policy and legal frameworks for creating the right environment for the social economy to thrive. Within the project, smart and coordinated public policies will be developed (Strategy for Inclusive Social Economy Ecosystem & Action plan) and will be pilot tested in 5 countries on 5 themes. PPs will disseminate the results and Policy Recommendations to policymakers and EUSDR representatives by organizing 3 PLDs for improving existing and future policies in the DR that will support municipalities to systematically sustain the functioning and development of social enterprises in their territory, with a focus on those SEs that involve people disadvantaged in the labour market.
Also, the project will enhance resilience and recovery of SEs, strengthen their skills and capacities, increase cooperation with Local Public Authorities and stakeholders by providing training that use micro-credential qualifications, networking and attending the Co-creation workshops.
D4SEE project foster cooperation of SEs with their ecosystem by creating the Danube Social Economy Network and testing the Strategy through the implementation of 5 pilot actions in 5 countries which will lead to 15 cooperation agreements. Pilot results will be embedded in the D4SEE Social Economy Support Methodology for applying solutions on SE collaborative models. Knowledge acquired will be passed on within 3 Transnational Knowledge Transfer Workshops & National Transfer Workshops. Danube Social Economy Network, formed by 115 stakeholders in the Danube region, will ensure transferability of project outputs and building links with Danube regional social economy ecosystem.
As a result of projects’ implementation, the newly developed solution targeting the needs and challenges in the partner countries are:
Through Danube4SEecosystem (D4SEE) project, the consortium, associated strategic partners and stakeholders will aim to jointly develop inspiring policies for social enterprises by involving local public authorities into the social enterprises supporting ecosystem in order to enhance inclusive employment in the Danube region while supporting the sustainable operation of social enterprises.
Contact person:
Milica Pavić
Rising competences & skills in less developed Danube regions through food sector cross-topic innovations
Interreg Danube Region Programme, co-funded by the EU.
The goal of the RISE project is to improve the competitiveness of small food and beverage producers in 11 Danube countries through strengthening their capacities for the application of innovative ICT solutions, improvement of energy efficiency and application of circular economy standards. Chambers of commerce, universities and research institutes and business accelerators from Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Serbia are participating in the project. Strengthening competitiveness through improving the capacities of selected food and beverage producers will be achieved through consulting mentoring support and regional/transnational networking in order to support the exchange of knowledge and experience and the implementation of best practice solutions. The strategic partner of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce in this project is the Institute for Science Application in Agriculture, Belgrade.
The main problem the project deals with is weak innovation capacity of small food and beverage producers in rural areas, which reduces their resistance to risks. Unmanaged risks limit opportunities for business expansion. One of the most dominant risks for any business is the migration of the qualified labour force, which mostly moves to urban centers and affects changes in traditional economic activities in rural areas. Strengthening the innovation capacities of small food and beverage producers also implies the application of new ICT solutions, improvement of energy efficiency and application of circular economy standards, in order to create products and services of higher value through research, development and cross-sector cooperation. The intention is to support research centers, entrepreneurs and startups in the development of innovative projects and technological solutions in the food and beverage sector in rural areas, which will offer answers to current global challenges.
It is expected that the implementation of the RISE program will have a long-term positive impact on the innovation potential and competitiveness of small food and beverage producers in rural areas of Serbia, as well as strengthening regional cooperation and connections with other partners from 11 countries participating in this project.
You can read more about the project on the official project website
Towards energy responsible places: establishing walkable cities in the Danube Region
Danube Transnational Programme
CityWalk Project helps cities in the Danube Region to reduce emissions, noise and to become safer, better places to live, by increasing the role of more sustainable forms of mobility in the urban transport mix, especially active transport forms – like walking and biking. To do so the main focus of the project is to improve the key conditions of walkability.
Increasing greenhouse gas emissions and congestions are negative side effects of urbanization, resulting from inefficient and unsustainable local transport systems. A key challenge in cities is to improve transport systems and accessibility in an environmentally friendly manner. CityWalk project will result in improved urban mobility - while reducing emissions, noise levels and congestions, increasing safety and making cities more liveable places (and also contributing to a healthier population).
Although the emphasis is on walking, the proposed project addresses the challenge with a holistic approach – improving urban mobility through efficiently combining various means of transport. Efficient urban transport systems, with an emphasis on active forms of transport – especially walking have various conditions – we help cities in the Danube Region to identify the obstacles, develop and implement a plan to address those obstacles. To do so, our partnership will develop a toolkit (walkability guide, index and online tool), design 8 walkability plans, deliver 8 pilot actions, develop and present policy proposals.
New Danubian Governance in Labour Market Relevance of Higher Education
Danube Transnational Programme
The main goal of the EDU-LAB project is to upgrade institutional capacities and increase the impact of tertiary education on the labor market, with the intention to encourage more young talents to study and further develop their professional careers in the Danube region.
Other goals of the EDU-LAB project are:
- strengthening of cooperation among the public authorities, high education institutions and business community
- support to the impact of high education on relevant legislation
- support to the creation of more relevant, and professionally oriented study programmes
- connection and interaction of relevant stakeholders.
Targeted capacity building of VET partnerships in the Danube Region for the effective modernisation of VET systems
ACRONYM: Learning by Doing
Danube Transnational Programme
The main goal of the project is to upgrade capacities in the area of vocational education by establishing regional, national, and transnational partnerships in order to facilitate the transition towards a dual education system in the Danube region countries. Given that specific goals of the project reflect in the improvement of institutional capacities and cooperation of all partners – participants in the secondary vocational education system, in order to strengthen the implementation of institutional changes.
- Development of transnational tools for long-term support to the secondary vocational education system in the transition process
- Development of national and regional strategies and recommendations in the area of legislation that would have a positive influence on changes of opinions and beliefs and that lead to establishing a secondary vocational education system primarily based on market requirements.
Strengthening Social Entrepreneurial Landscape through involving socially responsible corporate Practices in EntrepreNeurial CompetenceS and Skills enhancement in the DANUBE region
Danube Transnational Programme
In recent years, the interest for social enterprises has suddenly increased across Europe, however, it is so little known about starting and growing social entrepreneurs that acquire skills aimed at managing small firms, as well as to get to know more about the market and its players in the Danube region. This is the reason why SENSES project is aimed at creating a transnational network of social enterprises (SE), social responsible traditional enterprises, financial investors, policy creators, academia that will jointly promote an innovative model of social entrepreneurship and social innovation for a sustainable economic growth of the Danube region. SENSES delivers a combined training programme lasting 60 hours that is designed together with experts from corporations, and personalized mentors. SENSES project helps the creation of bilateral and multilateral market cooperation of social enterprises with the public and private sector. Results will contribute to the development of self-sustainable social enterprises with commercial sustainable business models directly focused on promotion of effective solutions at the local level. Benefits for members are training courses on development of skills in the field of finance, marketing, sales, and human resources, which gives them the opportunity to attendees to get personally led by a competent trainer. Through group sessions they can establish cooperation with colleagues from different areas, and jointly create ideas for social innovations and implementation plans.
Improving RD and business policy conditions for transnational cooperation in the manufacturing industry
ACRONYM: SmartFactoryHUB
Danube Transnational Programme
Manufacturing industry represents a generator of Research and Development, innovation, growth and employment. Based upon increasing pressure on manufacturers (increased production capacity in low-cost economies and increased level of sophistication of supply chains in high-cost economies), the manufacturers need to embrace novel technologies, principles and approaches.
In other words, manufacturers need to digitize their production, while taking into consideration also improvement in processes and human resource management. The main objective of the Smart Factory HUB project is to improve framework conditions for innovation in the area of “smart factory”.
Therefore, the project’s goal is to develop R&D and business policy conditions for transnational cooperation in the manufacturing industry.
Result is improved cooperation between R&D and business where based on RIS3 (Research and Innovation Smart Specialization Strategy) centered model, quadruple helix partners will be oriented to find novel solutions in the following three domains: applying novel technologies, applying effective production process and applying effective human resource management system.
Development of an innovative network for the promotion of extroversion of agro-food companies in Adriatic - Ionian Area
Adriatic-Ionian Programme
The main goal of the INNOVAGRO Project is to develop an inter-regional system for strengthening interactions among research centres and universities, agricultural companies, as well as other institutions engaged in promotion of extroversion and entrepreneurship in the countries participating in the implementation of the project. In addition, its goal is to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with services in the area of marketing and management, as well as to increase their extroversion and internationalization.
The project will work on supporting partnerships, with the aim to strengthen clusters, networks, economic sectors, value chains, and to strengthen interactions among all stakeholders in the countries that are partners on the project. The project will contribute to the strengthening of SMEs competitiveness with special emphasis on creation of ties among institutions, public authority and SMEs from agricultural industry. Innovative services will be developed on the internet platform that will provide information on strategic data on target markets, norms and legal issues, available markets, and strategic marketing activities.
Intermodality Promotion and Rail Renaissance in Adriatic – Ionian Region
ACRONYM: Inter-Connect
Adriatic-Ionian Programme
The project aims at promoting intermodal transport of passengers, and revitalizing the usage of railways in the ADRION region by supporting the processes of drafting regulations through concrete proposals for better overcoming the existing travel inefficiency “from doors to doors”. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) via the pre-accession programmes (IPA II) within the framework of the Interreg ADRION Programme.
The project supports connecting the key players within the sectors connected with intermodal transport of passengers. It establishes institutional platforms and encourages investments, with aim to achieve a sustainable development. Examined cases within the project are expected to play a role of political drivers in drafting regulations and launching up new investments. Precisely, replying on the previous projects (RAIL4SEE, RAILHUC, SEETAC, EA SEA-NjAY), INTER-CONNECT partners will unite their knowledge, efforts, and experience in order to:
-strengthen better networking and understanding of all stakeholders with the possibilities provided by the ADRION region (by promoting intermodal transport of passengers and including railways) though up to date experience and knowledge by providing practical advice (improvement of intermodal hubs, ICT, compliance of procedures, integration of provisions concerning passengers, legal and regulatory issues)
-train participants on different levels of impact on legal and regulatory policy, how to recognize the current priorities and needs for mobility of passengers (individual and social), how in an efficient way to cooperate in order to achieve the sustainability goals (examination of cases).
-provide a manual with generalized proposals for the most efficient measures that would promote intermodal transport of passengers along with railways.
Integrated and Sustainable Transport in Efficient Network
Adriatic-Ionian Programme
The project aims at upgrading intermodal transport and better networking of the Adriatic Ionian ports, especially by including railways and connecting with the TEN-T corridors – Baltic - Adriatic, the Mediterranean sea, Orient/ East- Mediterranean and Scandinavia-Mediterranean.
This will be achieved by upgrading cooperation through cooperative strategies and construction of infrastructure among relevant factors within the territorial contexts of the project. The final result of the ISTEN project is the transnational action plan on development of the network of integrated hubs at the level of the ADRION region. To this end, analyses and action plans will be developed at the local and transnational levels with the contribution by business entities and policy makers, such as inland terminals, railways, intermodal operators, freight forward agents, transport operators, and relevant representatives of the administration at the local, regional, and national level.
Empowering Banat through Realistic Demand
Interreg-IPA CBC Romania–Serbia Programme
The goal of the project is to balance the employment rate at the Romania- Serbia border crossing area, by taking into account the existing unemployment rate in Serbia, on the one hand, and the lack of labour force in Romania, on the other. The most significant terms of reference will be performed for the purpose of developing, providing support and ensuring sustainability in the labour market of the cross border cooperation structures. Given the observed shorgatages on both sides, the proposed activities contribute to improving the labour market by establishing new models of active support, which substantially contributes to the achievement of the project goals themselves. Employers and unemployed persons from both sides of the border get the opportunity to interconnect and try to find a joint interest in the field of employment. The final document should ensure a long-term strategic approach to the development of the labour market in the cross border area.
Eco Tamiš – New tourism
ACRONYM: Eco Tamiš
Interreg-IPA CBC Romania–Serbia Programme
The project contributes to the economic and social development of the Tamiš river valley, which si the backbone of Banat, through development of a new joint tourist product in order to implement the goal of the programme – investments for a growth in demand of local tourist networks and promotion of innovative tourist activities.
The specific goals of the project are:
-definition of a new tourist product
-improvement of the existing and construction of a new infrastructure, and strengthening of the capacities of stakeholders -promotion and marketing of a new tourist product.
Labor Mobility Network in the Cross-border Area
Interreg-IPA CBC Romania–Serbia Programme
Strategic goal of the project is to achieve, on the basis of joint and common cross-border actions by Romanian and Serbian stakeholders, an innovative, more balanced and sustainable socio-economic development of the Romanian-Serbian cross-border area - by increasing the overall competitiveness of the economy in the cross-border area, providing support for better preparedness for people to find new jobs in the cross-border area - support for economic diversification, with contribution to labor and employers migrations in the project target area.
Bulgarian-Serbian GourmeTrain
ACRONYM: Bulgarian-Serbian GourmeTrain
Interreg-IPA CBC Romania–Serbia Programme
The general objective of the project is to increase tourist attractiveness of cross border area through: certification and protection of cross border touristic products and services that reflect the special character of the destinations, such as traditional gastronomy products on of the Bulgarian and Serbian side; developing knowledge and skills among students and professional chefs by conducting additional training related to gastronomy; and improving the quality of gastronomic products and services and established connections among entrepreneurs in the cross-border region.
Architecture for EurOpean Logistics Information eXchange
Horizon 2020
The AEOLIX Project aims at digitalizing different transport procedures. In our case, it si the digitalization of the bill of lading. In addition to digitalization, the Aeolix platform is designed as potential location for finding partners in different sectors, yet connected to the transport. Following the implementation of the project activities, results would be in the form of shortened procedures, reduced costs, available information on every transport for a short period, which leads us to faster and better communication and synchronization of various transport activities.
Young Entrepreneurship Moving Forward
Erasmus+ programme
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange programme, aimed to support new and aspiring entrepreneurs to acquire relevant skills needed to run a small firm and to expand business, which takes place during a stay with the experienced entrepreneur in one of the European countries, in the period of one to six months. Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs helps the aspiring and existing entrepreneurs to acquire the skills needed to set up and/or run successfully small and medium sized enterprises in Europe. The stay of an entrepreneur abroad is partly funded by the European Commission through the financial support for covering the travelling and accommodation costs. The Agreement on financial support for participation in the programme is signed by the National Contact Institution (agency organization) and the entrepreneur going abroad to improve his skills (so called new entrepreneur).
Introduction of part-time and short cycle studies in Serbia
Erasmus+ programme
The main aims of the project are defining the legal framework that supports the development and implementation of part-time and short cycle studies, adoption and implementation of the most suitable online and traditional (face-to-face) learning methodology, and development of five pilot projects for part time studies and/or short cycle studies. The development, accreditation, implementation and evaluation of the interdisciplinary study programmes and study models which enable shorter and cheaper studies, with better chances for employment. In addition, they increase the efficiency of studying and decrease a dropout rate by students’ shifting to short cycles. It is of great importance for companies because, this way, the flexibility of the entire higher education system is achieved, through its better alignment with the labour market: short cycle studies enable acquiring of the necessary knowledge and skills for the precisely determined work/jobs. Owing to the feedback from the labour market, the higher education institutions can organize short cycle study programmes that will meet the current needs of employers for specific profiles.
The ultimate project result is networking of the higher education institutions and the economy through sharing the information on the needed qualifications and profiles. This way, a new higher education system would be established, and it would respond more quickly to the labour market demands, and therefore, meet the needs of employers and the economy for labour force in a very short period.
Technical academy for automobile cluster in Serbia
Austrian Development Agency GmbH
The main aim of the ADA TechAK project is to develop a training centre (Training Academy) for the automotive sector in Serbia, which would operate within the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, and be located in the territory of the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Nišava, Pirot and Toplice Administrative District in Niš.
Other aims of the ADA TechAk project are the following:
-Organizational development of the Technical Academy including the business plan and long-term financing model;
-Development of the curriculum for the additional professional training for employees or those seeking employment in the companies operating in the automotive industry. The curricula within the Technical Academy are implemented according to the principles of blended learning for adults, and include a theoretical part that can be followed by students by way of e-learning platform, theoretical exercises with the trainers in the classroom, and practical work in companies under supervision of the mentors; -Training of the trainers and mentors that will train the students of the Technical Academy;
-Implementation of the pilot training for at least 200 students, both the employed ones and those seeking employment, who are in the records of the National Employment Service.
Anti Corruption Toolkit for SMEs-ACTs
European Commission
The main aim of the project is to improve the capacities of the chambers of commerce and industry for the prevention of corruption in the business sector, with the focus on small and medium-sized enterprises, by way of:
-elaboration of a Case Study, the existing activities and examples of good practice in the Project participating countries;
-elaboration of 2 Methodological Manuals;
-elaboration of the on-line questionnaire on the topic of a company’s exposure to the risk of common forms of corruption, with the concrete and easily applicable advice for empowering the internal capacities of companies for the fight against corruption;
-Organization of round tables and promotion of the Project results.
Ready2Go International
European Commission
Ready2Go Project supported the internationalization of business for 80 European manufacturing companies to the markets of India, Chile, Canada, the United States of America and Cameroun. In the competition of over 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises from the territory of Europe, 80 companies were selected, with the enviable level of innovativeness and competitiveness based on the criteria of a clear growth potential and the capacity for competitive business operations in the foreign markets. The Project was implemented by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, and the international consortium of the institutions from Italy, France, England, Spain, Poland, Serbia, and Croatia, headed by the Milan Agency for internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises - PROMOS, it was funded by the European Commission and the Executive Agency for SMEs, and implemented with the support of EEN. In cooperation with the international partners, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia organized, through the project activities, the international specialized three-day training courses, to inform companies about the business conditions on the selected world markets, mentoring sessions, support to the elaboration of international business plans for targeted markets, whereas, through the EEN, the support was given to seeking partners, organization of bilateral meetings and participation in the prestigious world trade fairs in the above countries.
Development of the framework for trade and investments in Serbia
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
The aim of the project is to enable the Government of the Republic of Serbia to derive concrete measures for the active promotion of foreign direct investments from data and analyses by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia. By promoting investments, the framework conditions for trade and investment in Serbia are to be improved.
Since the Government of the Republic of Serbia is very interested in Germany as a trading partner and as a role model for economic and trade policy, and in view of the fact that Germany is Serbia's second most important export market, the consultant from Germany with international and Serbian expertise would be an excellent source for achieving the project goals.
Youth Employment Promotion YEP
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
The aim of the project is the financial support to the Centre for Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) as an individual sector in the CCIS, in order to increase the economic empowerment of women entrepreneurs, incentives to start their own business, contributing to their self-esteem, increase the visibility of woman entrepreneurs and opportunities to enter supply chains. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, in cooperation with 6 Associations of Business Women (of Cacak, Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Nis, Valjevo and Leskovac). It will be a mix of activities which will consist of educational training/workshops and B2B events.
Private sector development in disadvantaged regions in Serbia
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
In order to support the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, MSMEs and the relevant ministries and other public and private institutions, the project works in four fields of action:
• Improving services that promote MSMEs through public and private institutions,
• Promoting the range of services available to MSMEs in the value chains for information and communication technology, metal and mechanical engineering, sustainable agriculture and tourism.
Advisory services related to the national industrial policy. The focus is on cooperation with the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia. The needs of the private sector in the selected value chains are to be incorporated into public funding programmes and services. The conditions for developing a competitive range of tourism services in the Serbia Lower Danube region have been improved.
Growth and employment are to be boosted by expanding the range of services available to MSMEs. Project activities aim to strengthen business-to-business relationships in the selected value chains. New solutions in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) aim to increase the productivity of MSMEs.
The promotion of start-ups supports entrepreneurship in selected Serbian regions. New business models for start-ups are being developed. Women are supported as entrepreneurs.
Strengthening the Capacity of Legal-Policy Department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
ACRONYM: Legal-Policy Department
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Long-term goals: Improvement of the business environment in Serbia and the establishment of an efficient system for the analysis of the effects and implementation of laws and regulations, which are significant for the economy and business community.
Short-term goals: Creation of a methodology, and enhancement of a system for policy impact assessment of the existing legal framework, as well as defining proposals for the improvement of its implementation, strengthening the capacity of the CCIS for the independent and sustainable performance of delegated activities according to Article 19 of the Law on Chambers, awareness creation among the representatives of the business community and public authorities on the importance of policy impact assessment and the role of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia in that process.
Development and Operation of the Biomass Web Portal along with the Online Biomass Trading Platform and Biomass e-trading Platform
ACRONYM: Biomass Web Portal
United Nations Development Programme – UNDP
The aim of the project is to develop and ensure sustainable operation of the Biomass Web Portal (BWP), together with the Online Biomass Trading Platform (OBTP) and Biomass e-trading Platform. BWP is a dynamic vertical information portal, which publishes news relating to biomass but also about other forms of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, editorial content, digital publications and e-marketing (advertisements) of service providers from the sectors of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, and manufacturers/suppliers of equipment/machines. OBTP is a software programme used for online biomass trading (making offers, making orders, accepting offers, concluding agreements for supply…)
- Competitive market with the possibility of choosing among different suppliers in the country and abroad,
- Possibility of access to both small and big suppliers,
- Possibility of access to both small and big buyers,
- Savings in time and sales costs,
- Lower need for stocks.
Consulting services in the preparation of the Development Programme for multinational companies’ local supply chains
ACRONYM: Development Programme
Development Agency of Serbia – RAS
The main aim of the project is defined in the Multiannual Development Programme for Local Suppliers, and the efforts are made towards potential integration of domestic companies from the sector of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) into the supply systems of multinational companies (MNCs) as much as possible.
Through the project, the potential suppliers of MNCs in Serbia, and their current capacities, will be identified, and mapping of MSMEs by products and components/types of components will be performed, the needs of MNCs operating in Serbia in the relevant business activities for products and services of domestic companies will be established, and also a database of companies and types of products relevant for the successful implementation of the project will be established.
In addition, this Programme would give the guidelines to the economic policy makers on how to support the economic activity in the country, primarily from the point of view of a supplier that plans the integration into the MNCs supply systems.
Erasmus +
SMART INNO is a project co-funded by the European Union through the “IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013” in the framework of first call for strategic projects. The project falls within the priority-1
“The theme of innovation” that aims at fostering cooperation between stakeholders and policy makers to increase RDI capacity and creating mechanisms oriented to SMEs to support their RDI capacity to improve their competitiveness. The main goal of the SMART INNO project is to develop a smart networking system for monitoring and fostering research & innovation capacity in SMEs across Adriatic Region. The SMART INNO Consortium is composed by 18 partners coming from 8 Adriatic Countries (Italy, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia).
Apprenticeship Coaches for SME
The project is a response to the observation that small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are less likely to take on apprentices than larger companies, whereas they represent two-thirds of private sector employment in Europe.
Therefore, with the aim to involve a growing number of SMEs in apprenticeship, 26 SME Apprenticeship Coaches in the Chambers of Commerce and Industry have been trained and provided with adequate tools and skills to stimulate and convince SMEs to offer more apprenticeship placements. As a result, these apprenticeship coaches have also offered direct guidance to SMEs willing to host an apprentice.
South East Europe Harmonised Qualification of Professional Drivers
Erasmus +
The SEED project promoted innovative and interactive pedagogical approaches to lifelong leaning whilst exploring new training and learning strategies in road transport professional qualification. There are organized pilot training sessions, national workshops and awareness-raising events in each target country. Having in mind importance of the challenges ahead for the transport industry and willinnes to invest all possible resources, knowledge and efforts to develop a robust and modern driver education system that complies with international and EU quality standards are supported.
Development of the methodology for developing the CE mark application within the framework of the EU Machinery Directive
KEP Austria Programme (Know-how Exchange Programme), financially supported by CEI (Central European Initiative) and ADC (Austrian Development Cooperation)
The aim of the project is to introduce new services and improve the support to the economy. The MODOCE project is cofounded by the Austrian Development Agency within the framework of the KEP Austria Programme.
In the process of the EU accession, Austria developed the CE online service intended for small and medium-sized enterprises, to provide them with the reliable information relating to the CE mark. Within the MEDOCE project, the experts from the Austrian Chamber of Economy (WKO) shared with their counterparts in the CCIS their knowledge and experience relating to the introduction of new services for businesspeople in Serbia, aimed at efficient export of goods, in line with the EU standards.
The expected results of the project are the developed methodology for application of the CE mark within the framework of the EU Machinery Directive, new CCIS service within the Portal "Doing Business", professional and qualified staff of the CCIS to provide this service to small and medium-sized enterprises, and the software application for industry specific areas to which the Machinery Directive refers.
Optimization of the flows of goods in the Adriatic countries and development of intermodal transport
IPA Adriatic
The EASYCONNECTING Project aims at studying and analyzing all the main infrastructural bottlenecks and transport service inefficiencies in the Adriatic area in order to find&test proper solutions and put forward recommendations for policy-makers and national/regional representatives. These propositions are essential to develop a common strategy on transport and logistics ensuring the common development of the area in the near future.
Smart City Coaching – multi-stakeholder training concepts for the city of the future
Erasmus +
EU co-funded project under the Erasmus+ programme “SMACC – Smart City Coaching – multi-stakeholder training concepts for the city of the future” addresses the most relevant urban actor groups of the sustainable city as target groups (decision makers in public administrations and enterprises, science, research, NGOs, citizens and civil society organizations) and introduces a training concept for so called “smart city coaches” with a view to spread this role at different levels of society as multipliers for the development and support of smart cities. By fostering these issues of sustainable cities throughout public, private, social organisations, the creation of local innovations, entrepreneurship and job opportunities will be stimulated in the mid-term.