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Kenya- Export Market for Serbian Companies

May 25, 2023


Kenya represents one of the most promising countries in Africa with 50 million consumers and growing needs that largely correspond to what domestic companies can offer, it was said at the round table "How to do business with Kenya” held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS) with more than 30 representatives of the agricultural and processing, construction and IT industries.

"Kenya is one of the most developed countries in sub-Saharan Africa, and when it comes to East Africa, it is a regional hub for finance and trade, the main transport and logistics hub for the region, connecting neighboring countries with the rest of the world," said Ana Stojanović from the Center for Middle East and Africa in CCIS. She added that Kenya has an increasing trend of urbanization followed by growing standards, and therefore growing needs that largely match what local companies can offer." There is significant room for our companies to increase their exports and to be more present in the Kenyan market," Stojanović pointed out.
In order to explore possibilities of cooperation Chamber of Commerce and Industry Serbia is planning to organize a visit to Kenya of a business delegation from agriculture, food processing, construction, tourism, and the IT industry in early September it was announced at the meeting.




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