The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Marko Čadež, stated today in online participation at the "Macedonia 2025" Summit in Skopje that "there is no other answer to the risks, except to work together and unite the economies in order to remove everything that prevents or hinders their work, everything that causes unnecessary costs."
He pointed out at the panel "Building a Prosperous Future: The Role of Regional Cooperation" that, thanks to the "Open Balkan" initiative, more has been done than in previous years. He stated that the costs were reduced and the companies saved money, having in mind the harmonization of working hours, and mutual recognition of veterinary and phytosanitary certificates. " Waiting of trucks has been reduced from one hour to 15 minutes at the border crossing between Serbia and Northern Macedonia, where 600 trucks cross daily. That is a great thing," Čadež said.
He emphasized that it is important to finalize the process of digital identification cards as soon as possible, which will enable a very easy process of obtaining work and residence permits, " making it easier for businessmen and people to operate". He thanked the Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabić and the Prime Minister of Northern Macedonia Dimitar Kovačevski for keeping this initiative on the list of priorities but also pointed out that the representatives of the working groups are in daily communication. The president of the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia, Branko Azeski, also addressed the panel. He assessed that this initiative brings greater chances for foreign investments, but also expressed hope that other countries will join this initiative.