The countries of the Open Balkans, Serbia, Northern Macedonia, and Albania do not need to worry and fear possible food shortages, which is becoming an increasing problem today given the global supply challenges. We are here to help each other, said Marko Čadež, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia at the border crossing Preševo - Tabanovce between Serbia and Northern Macedonia.
"The advantages of the Open Balkan Initiative are not just faster passing of trucks and reduced time of waiting. The advantage in these times of crisis is that all three countries are cooperating with each other when it comes to food security and the supply of basic food. These are great things that we don't have to think about whether we will have flour, oil, sugar. "If we have agreed to help each other, then we are doing it," Čadež pointed out.
With the Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce of Northern Macedonia Zoran Jovanovski, Čadež visited Presevo- Tabanovce border crossing and talked with freight forwarders, representatives of companies, customs, veterinary, sanitary, and phytosanitary services on how agreements and arrangements within the Open Balkan regional initiative are implemented, what are the challenges, and what are the advantages when it comes to the free flow of goods between Serbia, Northern Macedonia, and Albania.
"As he explained, the results are visible on the ground after the implementation of the agreement from Niš and Tirana, the waiting time for the truck and the completion of the procedures is about 15 minutes.
He reminded that this border crossing is the fastest in terms of the flow of goods of all Serbian border crossings and that in the conversation with the competent services they wanted to hear what are the challenges and how to create better conditions for even more efficient work of border services, in the interest of companies.
Zoran Jovanovski, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce of Northern Macedonia, emphasized that he encouraged to support and disposition towards the Open Balkan Initiative, cooperation, and seeking quality solutions for the benefit of all.
Last year, around 220,000 trucks passed through Preševo, which is on average about 600 trucks a day. 1,696 trucks were registered from Albania and 105,000 from northern Macedonia.
Прошле године преко Прешева је прешло око 220 000 теретних возила, у просеку око 600 дневно. Из Албаније је било регистровано 1.696 теретних возила а из Северне Македоније 105.000 возила.
The total trade of Serbia with Albania and Northern Macedonia in 2021 amounted to 1.372 billion euros. Serbian exports to the two members of the Open Balkan Initiative were worth just over a billion dollars, while Serbia imported goods worth 367 million euros. Serbia's surplus in exchange with Albania and North Macedonia amounted to 637 million euros. Serbia exported mostly electrical machines and equipment, mineral fuels, oils and waxes, iron and steel, boilers, machines and devices, cereals, vehicles to Albania and Northern Macedonia. On the other hand, we mostly import iron and steel, vegetables and fruits, pharmaceutical products. Almost 5,000 companies from Serbia do business with partners from Albania and Northern Macedonia.
The initiative of more intensive cooperation in the Western Balkans was launched in 2019 by three leaders - Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and the Prime Ministers of Albania and Northern Macedonia Edi Rama and Zoran Zaev with the goal of free movement of goods, services, people, and capital according to the EU model. The Open Balkan Initiative is a response to the demands of the economy, companies, and real life. The initiative, launched under the name Mini Schengen, has been renamed the Open Balkan, and all economies in the region can join the initiative.