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Analysis: New Approach to European Integration of the Western Balkans

Mar 15, 2024


The Regional Center for Strategic and Political Initiatives, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, conducted extensive research and prepared a study titled "New Approach to the European Integration of the Western Balkans." The study aims to complement the existing approach to the EU integration of the regional countries by proposing faster access to the EU single market. 

One of the authors, Mr. Nenad Đurđević, states that the study offers a comprehensive approach to strengthening the partnership between the Western Balkans and the EU. The goal is to accelerate the EU accession process and enhance regional cooperation. 

"Our study comprehensively analyzes the past experience of EU accession and regional integration and proposes necessary adjustments, particularly in light of the EU New Growth Plan for the Western Balkans," says Đurđević.

The study suggests concrete changes to the previous approach of Western Balkan countries to European integration, as well as changes to the rules applied by the EU.
"We propose the introduction of a new regional agreement for the automatic extension of EU rules within the Common Regional Market of the Western Balkans, focusing on specific sectors and areas. We have detailed proposals for amending the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with aim to progressively expand the rights and obligations of the Western Balkan countries upon fulfilling pre-defined conditions in order to enable efficient implementation of integration policies. We seek greater partnership between the WB region and the EU, especially in energy, sustainable mining, and critical materials. And of course, there is a need for greater financial assistance and support for the Western Balkan countries, which will be tailored to the needs of implementing the proposed integration policies," says Đurđević.
The complete study "A New Approach to European Integration of the Western Balkans" and the “Policy Brief” can be found on the following link.

A New Approach to the Western Balkans integration_STUDY.pdf

A New Approach to the WB-EU integration_POLICY BRIEF.pdf

Nenad Đurđević, advisor to the CCIS President




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