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Association of Energy and Mining

The total gross value added (GVA) generated by Energy and mining was around 4.9 billion EUR in 2023, which is the 7.6 % of total GVA of the country and 6.5% of Serbia’s GDP. Observed by activities, nearly 1.5 billion EUR created by electricity, gas and steam (31.2%) and 1.2 billion EUR by mining of metals ore (25.3%). The other activities have a lower contribution. From 2020 to 2022, GVA share of energy and mining in total GVA and GDP of the Republic of Serbia shows upward trend.
Export of energy and mining products in 2024 amounted to 5.6 billion EUR which is the 19.1% of total export and export of these products are lower compared with the previous year (by 12.0%). Energy and mining are hiring 86.5 thousand of workers (3.7% of total employment) while the most are employed in manufacture of electrical equipment (25.8 thousand) and electricity, gas and steam (24.5 thousand). In energy and mining in 2024 was operating 2.4 thousand of active companies and 465 entrepreneurs which is in total nearly 2.9 thousand. 

Here's also a clearer table of the Share of GVA by Energy and Mining in total GVA and GDP (in %):

Share of GVA by Energy and Mining in Total GVA (in %)

Foreign Trade (in EUR billion)

Active Companies and Entrepreneurs in Energy and Mining

Employment in Energy and Mining by Activities (CA 2010)

Industrial Production Indices in the Period 2018-2022, Compared to the Averages of Previous Year

Sales of Energy and Mining by Activities (CA 2010), in 000 EUR

For more information about economic analysis from this industry and our other activities, please contact Association for energy and mining on email energetika@pks.rs