The total gross value added (GVA) generated by Crop production and food industry was around 5.1 billion EUR in 2023, which is the 8.0% of total GVA of the country and 6.8% of Serbia’s GDP. Observed by activities, around 2.7 billion EUR created by crop and animal production (51.9%) and 1.9 billion EUR by manufacture of food products (37.5%). The other activities have a negligible contribution. From 2019 to 2023, GVA share of crop production and food industry in total GVA and GDP of the Republic of Serbia shows slightly downward trend.
Export of crop and food products in 2024 amounted to 5.1 billion EUR which is the 17.5% of total export but despite of the negative effects caused by global turbulences, export of these products are one of the most improving indicators. Crop production and food industry is hiring 121.4 thousand of workers (5.2% of total employment) while the most are employed in manufacture of food products (91.8 thousand). In Crop production and food industry in 2024 was operating 9.0 thousand of active companies and 10.8 thousand of entrepreneurs which is in total nearly 19.8 thousand.
Share of GVA by Crop industry in total GVA and GDP (in %)