The total gross value added (GVA) generated by Chemical, rubber and non-metal industries was around 1.6 billion EUR in 2023, which is the 2.5% of total GVA of the country and 2.2% of Serbia’s GDP. Observed by activities, nearly 691.0 million EUR created by manufacture of rubber and plastic products (42.5%) and 396.0 million EUR by manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products (24.4%). The other two activities have a smaller contribution. From 2017 to 2023, GVA share of chemical, rubber and non-metal industries in total GVA and GDP of the Republic of Serbia showed slightly declining trend.
Export of chemical, rubber and non-metal products in 2024 amounted to 4.2 billion EUR which is the 14.5% of total export and export of these products are slightly bigger than previous year (by 2.8%). These industries are hiring 66.3 thousand of workers (2.9% of total employment) while the most are employed in manufacture of rubber and plastic products (34.0 thousand). In chemical, rubber and non-metal industries in 2024 was operating 2.8 thousand of active companies and 5.1 thousand of entrepreneurs which is in total 7.9 thousand.